Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Ouija Boards: Are They Really a Tool of the Devil?

Before I proceed any further, I just want to state in advance that I appreciate that this subject is often taboo and any opinions expressed in my blog are my own and it is not my intention to insult anybones personal beliefs or religion. My own experience and studies have taught me the knowledge which I trust and believe in.

The Ouija Board. It is feared and equally loathed by millions of people, but not many actually understand how they work and what they actually do. Fear comes from a lack of understanding, and in most cases because our parents instill ideas and suggestions into our mind's from an early age. Knowledge really is power and this controversial and and misunderstood device has been at the forefront of many so called demon possession and exorcism stories.

Firstly, let's start by knocking the term, Ouija Board, on the head. These oracles are not called Ouija Boards, but in fact Spirit Talking Boards. Ouija, is merely the name of the particular design by Elijah Bond, which was named and manufactured by William Fuld and his company, The Ouija Novelty Company in 1892. The name Ouija is bilingual, French for "Yes" (Oui) and German for "Yes" (Ja).

Spirit Talking Boards have been around for centuries and are believed to communicate with the deceased, whom seemingly move a pointed device around to spell out messages using the alphanumerical digits printed on the board. Later designs, such as the Ouija Board, introduced Yes, No and Goodbye for ease of use. The board usually requires a minimum of two participants, that sit around the board and place a pointer on it's surface, upon which they place a finger each and voice out aloud one question at a time. The spirit is then said to manipulate the muscles of one of the players, whom then moves the pointer subconsciously. It is often unknown which person is being manipulated, and the pointer appears to drag the players around the board. Scientific testing has proved that, in instances where is Talking Board is used, muscles in one more of the participants are stimulated and work during the movement of the pointer, in the same way a pendulum is manipulated by the users involuntary and subconscious arm movements. This is incredibly plausible, as it is ourselves that acts as a medium, between the physical and spirit world and all instances of spiritual communication. Therefore, a Talking Board can be seen as a quick, do-it-yourself mediumship tool, for those who lack the ability to gain contact mentally, just as the Tarot can aid a fortune teller.

Glorification and Media Frenzy
British Victorians reveled in all things spiritual.  The trend began in New York, when the Fox sisters, Leah, Margaret and Kate began holding seances in their home, welcoming in strangers to watch on in amazement. On one occasion , they claimed to be in contact with the Devil, but later stated he was actually called Charles B Rosna, and that his mortal body was murdered and then buried in the cellar some five years prior. In the early 1900's, a skeleton was indeed discovered in the cellar, but it has never been linked to Rosna, who's identity could never be traced and there is no proof of his existence.

Mediumship spread to the United Kingdom, and charalatans jumped on the band wagon to earn money on the back of the trend. Most notably, Henry Slade from London, was often exposed as a fraudster and proved to have no spiritual gifts whatsoever. Leonora Piper was also exposed as a fake when she made contact with spirits, whom never actually lived or died, but where created in a successful attempt to catch Piper out.

Before long, Victorian fraudsters were raising their game to become the most popular and ultimately profitable mediums in town, thus they began to claim that attendees could actually get to see a gruesome formation of a spirit or hear one out loud. To make the presence of a spirit more convincing, the con men and women introduced slimy substances, which they named ectoplasm, a so called substance rendering of an entity not of this world. These were all, in fact totally fake. Notably, a popular medium by the name of Eva Carriere claimed that ectoplasm came from her ear, which would form a face. She was later exposed as using cuttings of faces from French newspapers, which she would attach to the side of her head along with cloth to ad to the illusion. But so convincing they were back then, that many still believe, and so the seance as we know it today lives on, and the horrors witnessed in those sessions, remain etched in people's minds. Note, that nobody demonstrates that same ability to discharge ectoplasm nowadays. This is because the illusion would look completely unrealistic, in our modern world of technology, and where we are also far more inquisitive than the gullible Victorians.

ectoplasm, spirits, mediums, sceance

Those annoyingly, egotistical so-called mediums of today, that lead a group of paranormal investigators to an alleged haunted house, are actually imitating the techniques used to con those aforementioned gullible Victorian citizens out of their hard earned money back the late 1800's. Ironically, it is paranormal investigators that often preach the evil of Spirit Talking Boards, but yet have no qualms about shouting out aloud to a spirit while stood in a circle, or round a table, just as people would do during a Talking Board session. Paranormal investigators take it upon themselves to try and expose a sacred world, one that obviously does not want to be revealed, by setting up video cameras and audio capturing equipment, and yet they claim the Ouija Board is an evil tool. Surely, an attempt to expose an angry spirit would bring  much more dire consequences, than a private and respectful Talking Board session would? There are of course many genuinely talented mediums and paranormal investigators out there, whom respect the spirit world and merely take part in sessions for their own personal experience, but TV shows such as Most Haunted, give them a horribly bad representation.

In my experience, any true medium would feel comfortable using a Talking Board, because he understands and appreciates the spirit world, and takes advantage of a very handy tool which saves on a lot of physical and mental strain.

So, how did the Ouija Board become so evil? Prior to 1973, Talking Boards were sold in Britain as board games, in fact they are still branded as such in the United States, to this day. People would play the game late at night, during sleepovers or parties, with relatively positive experiences. My own Grandmother and her two sisters were regular users of the not so controversial Ouija Board. It wasn't until 1973, with the release of the The Exorcist, a film based on a supposedly true story of a boy possessed by a demon (although in the film, a girl is used), that people's fear in the Ouija Board was created. The media is one of the main contributors to myths, conspiracies and untrue theories than any other source, and the controversy surrounding The Exorcist, garnered much negative attention to the Spirit Talking Board. We have all done it. As a child, we watched the scary film where a monster lives under the bed, and when the credits roll, we carry that fear and belief with us to our bed. But it is even more frighting when we believe something is a true story because the media has told us. Of course, The Exorcist is an extremely exaggerated and glamorized depiction of events that took place, where the Ouija Board was an innocent piece of wood.

The Unseen Around Us
The spirit world is in parallel with our own. There are entities around us, all the time, so why do people believe that a Talking Board opens up an apparent gateway, to a world that is already open to us in the first place? A Talking Board, does without doubt initiate contact with a spirit, whom if it carried demonic tendencies, could decide to make himself more known, long after the session is over, but he was already there to begin with, passing through, whatever his intentions initially were. I am without doubt that, going into your local town center increases your chances of encountering something demonic and evil, who could inflict much more damage on you than a spirit whom you may communicate with on a Talking Board.  In The Exorcist, is it the Ouija Board to blame or is the girl at fault? A girl whom initiated the contact, which she could have easily done verbally, without the use of a board. In true instances of possession, where a Talking Board was supposedly to blame, how do we know that the persons present, didn't act inappropriately and not show the respect that the spirit duly deserves?

The same theories have accumulated upon Tarot cards. To one man it is evil, but to another it is a blessed gift.  The Tarot is something that is used by millions of people everyday, and manufactured on a mass scale in a factory. They are simply a deck of cards, cut from trees just as the letter that came through your letterbox this morning was. There is no sacred ceremonial curse or blessings cast upon them. They are printed, trimmed, sealed, packaged and then sent to shops for sale, just as Ouija Boards are today.

My answer to the question, "is the Ouija Board really a tool of devil", is implicitly no. The true tool of the devil in this world is mankind himself, equipped with his ego, deception, fraud, mediatization and misunderstanding. Therefore, in my opinion, as a user of it since a child, and not having once encountered a bad experience, nor bad luck, the Spirit Talking Board is completely safe to use and an incredibly helpful tool for contacting loved ones on the other side. I also sleep with 24 boards of different design in my bedroom at night, and in my environment is a happy and comfortable one.

It is a crying shame that this tool is so feared, when in reality it is an incredibly enjoyable and fun experience, which offers much needed comfort and support to the world of the living, whom, at times are unquestionably more evil than our spiritual friends :)

Tuesday, 28 July 2015


The pendulum is like a pocket spirit guide, one that you can converse with in the physical sense. Mine is my trusted sidekick, and it has got me through some tricky situations.

We know that the power of the pendulum has been harnessed for centuries. Originally used for locating naturally flowing water and energy, it wasn't long before it became a handy divination tool. With a bit of training, your pendulum can answer most questions you pose to it. You can seek advice during a troublesome period, in the form of "yes" and "no" responses, or access it's more traditional and native abilities for locating lost items.

I have ten pendulums, each made of different minerals which have various colours and shapes. Depending on the situation, only a certain pendulum will seem right for the job, for example, when seeking guidance regarding matters linked to my heart, I find that my amethyst (birth stone) pendulum performs better. And when trying to locate an object, my green quartz tends to excel.

The pendulum can offer you one of four responses. These are usually
  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe
  • Can't Say

Although you can calibrate your pendulum to deliver different answers, such yes
  • Yes
  • No
  • Don't Know
  • Ask Me Later

Or more specifically, if asking what shirt would suit you best for the job interview
  • White
  • Black
  • Red
  • Blue

Nowadays, I don't use my pendulums as often as I should. If left untouched for a long period of time, certain re calibration is needed. What once represented a "yes" response, may well be a "no" the next the next time you ask a question. So it is important, if you haven't used a pendulum for a while, to check what it's preference is, for showing you a "yes", "no", "maybe" and "can't say" answer.

In some up and coming blogs, I will share some stories where the pendulum is at the center, and see what it has to say on world events. In 2014, my pendulum successfully predicted that the Conservative Party would be reelected in 2015's general election, something a lot of people were quite sure wouldn't happen.

Tarot: Linking By Numbers Method (Parts I, II and III)

Now that I have covered all of the suits of the minor arcana, I have decided to merge the complete tutorial into one post. I will discuss the court cards separately, as they have no numerical value and are therefore omitted from the number system.

A quick note. If you are struggling to learn all the meanings of the cards, you must persevere. I hold in my brain, nearly 20 years of research, which has enabled me to read the way I do now. I have not just memorized the universal meanings of 78 cards, but 156, as each one has it's own reversed attributes. I must point out that there are no definitive interpretations of the tarot cards, however. The meanings of them should be unique to you, but when training, the universal themes should apply, which you should extend upon or omit what doesn't feel right for you.

Throughout this blog, I wanted to share my own methods which helped me learn how to successfully and accurately read the Tarot. This technique is not new, and I have indeed learnt the foundations of it from brilliant books, but this is my own take on it and how I personally see the cards. Sylvia Abraham devised the brilliant Keyword System in her book of the same name, and although it deals with keywords, the numerology still flows through it. Her book is great starting if you are learning to read the tarot. I was hooked on this book as a kid, and I was surprised how quick it was to pick up. The following is a system I devised myself, inspired by Sylvia's Keyword System literature.

Each card is numbered (with the exception of the court cards. I like to class The Fool as 0). There are 22 major arcana cards and 57 minor, so naturally the cards under the minor banner take more practice to learn than the small in comparison major house. So for now, let's only focus on the first 10 cards of the major arcana (omitting The Fool). I will give each card a simple keyword. This is what the cards means to me, although most of the basic meanings are universal.

1. The Magician - New beginnings
2. The High Priestess - Hidden Knowledge
3. The Empress - Creativity and abundance (mother)
4. The Emperor - Authority, organisation and evaluation (father)
5. The Hierophant - Traditional ways of solving conflict, learning from your mistakes
6. The Lovers - Choices
7. The Chariot - Taking control
8. Strength - Advancement, moving forward
9. The Hermit - Inner wisdom, happy with one's own situation, making the most of it
10. The Wheel of Fortune - Changes, cycles, closure

These are the first 10 higher meanings of the Tarot, which we can also apply to the cards of the minor arcana, in addition to using each suit's theme. This will help you vastly when learning what the cards mean.

The suits of the minor arcana and their theme are as follows:

Wands - Daily life, work, friends community, personal growth and ideas -  Universal Realm
Cups - Love, emotions and people in your heart - Spiritual Realm
Swords - Problems, health, mental thought processes, strife - Mental Realm/Self
Pentacles - Money, material position and growth, financial matters, possessions, jobs - Physical Realm/Earth

So now let us now apply each major card number, and key word to the minor arcana cards:

1. New beginnings - Ideas, a job, career.
2. Hidden knowledge - Knowing what you want, knowledge is in within you to find the way.
3. Creativity and abundance - Foundations, being creative and content with your ideas. Just so.
4. Authority, organisation and evaluation (father) - Time to assess your ideas, having the authority to take action and make things happen.
5. Traditional ways of solving conflict - An upset within a circle of friends, community or work, the Hierophant teaches us to use be wise and use traditional values. Don't fuel the situation further but be firm, learn from one's mistakes.
6. Choice - Making good choices with work. Your ideas prove to be useful and people recognize it.
7. Taking control - Acting and standing up for what you believe in. Your friends and community may disagree but you are in control of your own life.
8. Advancement - Light the match and watch it go! Ideas take off, good times socially. The community or work place benefits from your intelligence.
9. Inner wisdom, happy with one's own situation, making the most of it - The Hermit teaches us to look within and be content. Accepting the place you live and the friends you have. It could be worse.
10. Changes - The end of a cycle in work or the community. It has become too much and it may be time for you to move to a new town and take the good memories, and the ups and the downs with you to the next community.

1. New beginnings - A new relationship, that butterfly feeling.
2. Hidden Knowledge - Is the one you love the right one for you? Have you listened to your heart or have you listened to your head? Following your heart to the "perfect" partner.
3. Creativity and abundance - Wonderfully happy times with loved ones. A celebration, wedding, birth announcement, being a mother.
4. Authority, organisation and evaluation (father) - Time to evaluate things. Your father could offer good advice in matters of the heart right now. Don't be afraid to ask for help when making decisions in love.
5. Traditional ways of solving conflict - Upsetting the balance in love. Remember, traditional ways fix it better. Do not make it worse, move on and learn from it.
6. Choices - Making positive choices and stimulating your emotional needs well.
7. Taking control - A need to take control and stop living in the clouds. You are victim to your heart and you are being lead astray. You need to listen to your inner voice and do the logical thing on this occasion.
8. Advancement, moving forward - Moving on in love. You finally brushed yourself down and have decided to move to pastures new. A clearance of emotional baggage.
9. Inner wisdom, happy with one's own situation, making the most of it - Happy with yourself and your loved ones. My family ins't perfect but they are mine, and I am happy.
10. Changes, cycles, closure - Closure on the past and new beginnings and happiness. Having learned from the past you made it to where you are now.

A note: The suit of Swords are my favourite cards in the whole of the tarot. They are a very complex set, dealing with the negative aspects in life, and how we cope with them. The suit of Swords, shows us the harsh reality, and flips over the meanings in the numerical system, and can represent delays. For example, the number eight symbolizes strength, advancement and moving forward, Sword VIII however, tells us that the those advancements are being prevented right now, because we are trapped in the problems that seem to slipping out of our control.

1. New beginnings - New strength to deal with strife or health issues. Current problems ending, new ones beginning.
2. Hidden Knowledge - Using inner knowledge to overcome problems or make a decision. You can't see the bigger picture, so seeking wisdom within is the only way.
3. Creativity and abundance - An abundance of heartache. Confidence issues and a lack of creativitys.
4. Authority, organisation and evaluation (father) - Time to evaluate things and rest.
5. Traditional ways of solving conflict - Upsetting the balance. Remember, traditional ways fix it better. Do not make it worse, move on and learn from it.
6. Choices - Making positive choices and moving away from a negative situation.
7. Taking control - A need to take control! You are following a bad path and may be deceiving people. You are being a negative person and wallowing in self pitty. You need to take hold of the reins. Alternatively, someone could be using you, and you are letting it happen, only you can stop this.
8. Advancement, moving forward - Problems are coming in thick and fast, you have got yourself tangled in a web. You can see the way out, but prefer to stay where you are, because it has become comfortable. A delay.
9. Inner wisdom, happy with one's own situation, making the most of it - Feeling alone, isolation. Not happy with the situation and not making the most of it, instead you are worrying. Woe and misery.
10. Changes, cycles, closure - All the problems have come crashing down but the storm has passed and now the only way is up. Changes are coming, and you can climb out of rock bottom.

1. New beginnings - New beginnings in financial matters, a debt cleared, an inheritance, cash windfall.
2. Hidden Knowledge - Using one's own knowledge and experience to juggle financial matters.
3. Creativity and abundance - Using your creativity to make a living. Monetary gain from your art.
4. Authority, organisation and evaluation (father) - Evaluating your finances and keeping a close eye on them, perhaps too much. Greed and possessiveness.
5. Traditional ways of solving conflict - Upsetting the balance. Poverty. Financial hardship. Learn from the mistakes you made getting to this point.
6. Choices - Making positive choices with money lead to success. You are able to share your prosperity. Charity.
7. Taking control - Taking control of your finances and watching money grow. Enjoying the fruit of your labor.
8. Advancement, moving forward - Making good advancements with money. Getting stuck into a project that rewards your financially.
9. Inner wisdom, happy with one's own situation, making the most of it - Content with your financial situation and living a materialist life. No monetary worries.
10. Changes, cycles, closure - Enjoying the rewards you gain through your hard. A project is coming to an end and it is paying off. Retirement.

Tarot: Linking By Numbers (Part III)

Part I
Part II

In this chapter of my Linking By Numbers tutorial, I shall cover the suit of Pentacles. Often and overlooked set, they deal with the physical world, our material possessions, jobs and financial matters. The suit of Wands also focus on work and careers, but this is more in relation to our standing within the work force and our influence in it. The Pentacles shine a spotlight on our material gain garnered from jobs and careers and the satisfaction and personal growth we can achieve.

1. New beginnings - New beginnings in financial matters, a debt cleared, an inheritance, cash windfall.
2. Hidden Knowledge - Using one's own knowledge and experience to juggle financial matters.
3. Creativity and abundance - Using your creativity to make a living. Monetary gain from your art.
4. Authority, organisation and evaluation (father)Authority and evaluation - Evaluating your finances and keeping a close eye on them, perhaps too much. Greed and possessiveness.
5. Traditional ways of solving conflict - Upsetting the balance. Poverty. Financial hardship. Learn from the mistakes you made getting to this point.
6. Choices - Making positive choices with money lead to success. You are able to share your prosperity. Charity.
7. Taking control - Taking control of your finances and watching money grow. Enjoying the fruit of your labor.
8. Advancement, moving forward - Making good advancements with money. Getting stuck into a project that rewards your financially.
9. Inner wisdom, happy with one's own situation, making the most of it - Content with your financial situation and living a materialist life. No monetary worries.
10. Changes, cycles, closure - Enjoying the rewards you gain through your hard. A project is coming to an end and it is paying off. Retirement.

Tarot: Linking By Numbers (Part II)

In my last post, I discussed my linking by numbers method, for easy learning of the tarot's minor arcana and the first ten cards of the major house. In this chapter, I will show you how you can apply the linking technique to the suit of swords.

If you haven't done already, you will need to read part I of this tutorial.

A note: The suit of Swords are my favourite cards in the whole of the tarot. They are a very complex set, dealing with the negative aspects in life, and how we cope with them. The suit of Swords, shows us the harsh reality, and flips over the meanings in the numerical system, and can represent delays. For example, the number eight symbolizes strength, advancement and moving forward, Sword VIII however, tells us that the those advancements are being prevented right now, because we are trapped in the problems that seem to slipping out of our control.

1. New beginnings - New strength to deal with strife or health issues. Current problems ending, new ones beginning.
2. Hidden Knowledge - Using inner knowledge to overcome problems or make a decision. You can't see the bigger picture, so seeking wisdom within is the only way.
3. Creativity and abundance - An abundance of heartache. Confidence issues and a lack of creativitys.
4. Authority, organisation and evaluation (father) - Time to evaluate things and rest.
5. Traditional ways of solving conflict - Upsetting the balance. Remember, traditional ways fix it better. Do not make it worse, move on and learn from it.
6. Choices - Making positive choices and moving away from a negative situation.
7. Taking control - A need to take control! You are following a bad path and may be deceiving people. You are being a negative person and wallowing in self pitty. You need to take hold of the reins. Alternatively, someone could be using you, and you are letting it happen, only you can stop this.
8. Advancement, moving forward - Problems are coming in thick and fast, you have got yourself tangled in a web. You can see the way out, but prefer to stay where you are, because it has become comfortable. A delay.
9. Inner wisdom, happy with one's own situation, making the most of it - Feeling alone, isolation. Not happy with the situation and not making the most of it, instead you are worrying. Woe and misery.
10. Changes, cycles, closure - All the problems have come crashing down but the storm has passed and now the only way is up. Changes are coming, and you can climb out of rock bottom.

Monday, 27 July 2015

Ada: My Guide

I think it is time I introduced Ada in a little more detail. She is my spirit guide, and we all have one apparently. Some people are blissfully unaware of their guide's presence in their lives and never pay much attention to where those random hunches and gut feelings come from, and those caring entities are cool with that. They have no ego and don't take any credit for their work.

I actually have two guides, that I am aware of, although it is Ada who is at for forefront, helping me during readings and personal matters in a more obvious manner. The second guide I have is, Astarott. He tends to take on the form of a wise old wizard, think Merlin. I am under the impression that he deals with the major factors in my life. Maybe Ada is his little assistant, taking care of the life's general and lesser worrisome situations, while Astarott shapes me spiritually and prepares me for the next phase. As I do not know a great deal about him, for this blog post I shall focus on Ada.

Ada introduced herself to me when I was around nine years old. I first noticed her as a thought or feeling, something that was just there but not obvious. Later, her communication became more audible, until eventually she made her appearance known. Guides do not consider their identity an important part of their relationship with you, however. Some guides have no physical identity and their being can be anything from a spirit of a human, an animal or a simple essence.

As mentioned in my first blog post, Ada communes with me on five different levels, which are as follows:

Level 1 - Feelings / hunches
Level 2 - Audible thoughts
Level 3 - Audible conversation
Level 4 - Visual
Level 5 - One on one conversation / trance state

Which level we communicate within, depends on several factors, such as my mental state, level of relaxation, both our energies and many other elements can play a part on the quality or type of spiritual communication.

Ada is in fact, wait for it... A fairy. It is somewhat difficult for this red blooded male, to admit that I talk to a fairy, but she is what she is, and I can not and would not want to change that. She looks like a traditional fairy from the children's story books ("they had to get it from somewhere", she often says!), think Tinkerbell, and you are not far from how she looks; a little glowing star sat on my shoulder, whispering in my ear. And, she likes to point out that it's, Faerie (with a capital F), not fairy.

I was blessed with the most sarcastic, witty and humorous guide. Faerie folk are traditional renowned for their mischievous little tricks, and Ada is no exception. It can be quite difficult to do a reading for somebody, sat opposite you, with tears in their eyes, while Ada is in my ear, being sarcastic and witty.

I have always been fascinated to know where she comes from and I am interested to learn more about what a Faerie actually is. All I know so far is that, a Faerie is a spirit of the air and a guardian of nature. She once asked me "Do you know what happens to all the insects and creepy crawlies when they are squashed?!" To which I replied "They go to the spirit world like everything else?". Ada told me that insects are part of the nature realm, and when their physical body dies, their spirit lives on in the realms of nature, among the Faerie folk. The next time you step on bug, or purposely crush a spider with your slipper, pay attention and see if anything bad happens to you, such as dropping your phone down the toilet, or tripping over that said slipper!

I would love to share much more about Ada with people reading my blog. When she reveals more to me about the mysterious Faerie folk, I shall be happy to write that down too, My guide is the one whom has constantly encouraged me to write about our work together. Whenever I have started a blog or website of some kind, a big smile has spread across the width of  her face, quickly followed by a sigh of disappointment, when she realizes it's just another thing about baking, music or photography!

Reading For Yourself

A girl emailed me today, which prompted me to write this. To you, If you are reading this, then I hope you don't mind me mentioning your question :)

She said she knew she had psychic ability but didn't want to read for herself because of the "rule" that says you shouldn't. This of course is a total myth and rather angers me that some books and text are discouraging people from using their gifts.

Look at it this way. When you are born, we are told that we are given six senses, the sixth being the gift of psychic sense. Your gift of sight, for example, is yours and yours alone, and you don't use it to aid anyone other than yourself, unless someone you know has lost their eye sight, and you help them. This is the same for psychic sense. Too many loose their gifts during childhood, and it is then people like myself whom help out those people by doing readings, just like an interpreter would with sign language for someone who is deaf, but had that person not lost their hearing, it would be theirs to use as they wish and theirs alone to enjoy.

One reason why we CAN'T read for ourselves, is that our own deepest desires can form a barrier and cloud our judgement.  If we ask the tarot, "Will she fall in love me?" Or "Will I get the job?", We really want the answer to be, yes. So sometimes it's hard for us to differentiate between what we desire and what the tarot is really trying to tell us, so hence why it is often easier to let someone else read for us. Employing a certain amount of discipline and proper training can fix this issue.

So please trust me, no bad luck will come to you if you read for yourself, mentally or with a tool such as the tarot. Enjoy it, it was your birth right and gift to use. I have met many psychics who have become good friends, and we all read for ourselves. If literature agree that we can use a pendulum or runes for our own needs, then surely the same should apply to the tarot.. Like most myths, the "don't read for yourself" rule is full of contradictions ;)

Pendulum, Tarot

Tarot: Linking By Numbers

Throughout this blog, I wanted to share my own methods which helped me learn how to successfully and accurately read the Tarot. This technique is not new, and I have indeed learnt the foundations of it from brilliant books, but this is my own take on it and how I personally see the cards. Sylvia Abraham devised the brilliant Keyword System in her book of the same name, and although it deals with keywords, the numerology still flows through it. Her book is great starting if you are learning to read the tarot. I was hooked on this book as a kid, and I was surprised how quick it was to pick up. The following is a system I devised myself, inspired by Sylvia's Keyword System literature.

Each card is numbered (with the exception of the court cards. I like to class The Fool as 0). There are 22 major arcana cards and 57 minor, so naturally the cards under the minor banner take more practice to learn than the small in comparison major house. So for now, let's only focus on the first 10 cards of the major arcana (omitting The Fool). I will give each card a simple keyword. This is what the cards means to me, although most of the basic meanings are universal.

1. The Magician - New beginnings
2. The High Priestess - Hidden Knowledge
3. The Empress - Creativity and abundance (mother)
4. The Emperor - Authority, organisation and evaluation (father)
5. The Hierophant - Traditional ways of solving conflict, learning from your mistakes
6. The Lovers - Choices
7. The Chariot - Taking control
8. Strength - Advancement, moving forward
9. The Hermit - Inner wisdom, happy with one's own situation, making the most of it
10. The Wheel of Fortune - Changes, cycles, closure

These are the first 10 higher meanings of the Tarot, which we can also apply to the cards of the minor arcana, in addition to using each suit's theme. This will help you vastly when learning what the cards mean.

The suits of the minor arcana and their theme are as follows:

Wands - Daily life, work, friends community, personal growth and ideas -  Universal Realm
Cups - Love, emotions and people in your heart - Spiritual Realm
Swords - Problems, health, mental thought processes, strife - Mental Realm/Self
Pentacles - Money, material position and growth, financial matters, possessions, jobs - Physical Realm/Earth

So now let us now apply each major card number, and key word to the minor arcana cards:

1. New beginnings - Ideas, a job, career.
2. Hidden knowledge - Knowing what you want, knowledge is in within you to find the way.
3. Creativity and abundance - Foundations, being creative and content with your ideas. Just so.
4. Authority, organisation and evaluation (father) - Time to assess your ideas, having the authority to take action and make things happen.
5. Traditional ways of solving conflict - An upset within a circle of friends, community or work, the Hierophant teaches us to use be wise and use traditional values. Don't fuel the situation further but be firm, learn from one's mistakes.
6. Choice - Making good choices with work. Your ideas prove to be useful and people recognize it.
7. Taking control - Acting and standing up for what you believe in. Your friends and community may disagree but you are in control of your own life.
8. Advancement - Light the match and watch it go! Ideas take off, good times socially. The community or work place benefits from your intelligence.
9. Inner wisdom, happy with one's own situation, making the most of it - The Hermit teaches us to look within and be content. Accepting the place you live and the friends you have. It could be worse.
10. Changes - The end of a cycle in work or the community. It has become too much and it may be time for you to move to a new town and take the good memories, and the ups and the downs with you to the next community.

1. New beginnings - A new relationship, that butterfly feeling.
2. Hidden Knowledge - Is the one you love the right one for you? Have you listened to your heart or have you listened to your head? Following your heart to the "perfect" partner.
3. Creativity and abundance - Wonderfully happy times with loved ones. A celebration, wedding, birth announcement, being a mother.
4. Authority, organisation and evaluation (father) - Time to evaluate things. Your father could offer good advice in matters of the heart right now. Don't be afraid to ask for help when making decisions in love.
5. Traditional ways of solving conflict - Upsetting the balance in love. Remember, traditional ways fix it better. Do not make it worse, move on and learn from it.
6. Choices - Making positive choices and stimulating your emotional needs well.
7. Taking control - A need to take control and stop living in the clouds. You are victim to your heart and you are being lead astray. You need to listen to your inner voice and do the logical thing on this occasion.
8. Advancement, moving forward - Moving on in love. You finally brushed yourself down and have decided to move to pastures new. A clearance of emotional baggage.
9. Inner wisdom, happy with one's own situation, making the most of it - Happy with yourself and your loved ones. My family ins't perfect but they are mine, and I am happy.
10. Changes, cycles, closure - Closure on the past and new beginnings and happiness. Having learned from the past you made it to where you are now.

Ok folks, that is as much as I can type on the subject for now :). But in my next blog posts I will cover the Swords and Pentacles suits, the court cards, the remaining Major arcana cards and how to construct a reading using what I call my "Linking by Numbers" method ;)

Sunday, 26 July 2015

An Introduction

I suppose the best way to kick off this blog is to introduce myself and explain where I place within the realm of the supernatural.

My blog is about my psychic work and discoveries. I was introduced to the spirit world at approximately five years old, when a mysterious boy, around the same age as me, began communicating with me. To me, he was a real person, but to the adults and other children, I appeared to be talking to myself. To cut a long story short, "David" turned out to be something not of this world, whether he was just imaginary or not, it certainly opened up the door to the psychic realms for me, and so my fascination with it began.

I have struggled with my belief in the supernatural throughout my life. The more I analyze and try to explain it, the more unlikely it all seems. I also wrestle with the fact I am a man, and there is a hideous misconception that psychics etc. are female gypsies. My pride and macho traits sometimes prevent me from admitting that I have gifts. So I may be nuts! I don't care, I just say what I hear and strangely these insights come true or prove to already be true. It may all just be a big coincidence, I am open to that theory just as much as I am to the suggestion that the spirit world may exist :)

I prefer to call myself a medium, as I all my messages and dealings seem to be with spirits, and I am the medium and bridge between them and they client here on Earth. I don't receive random visions or prophecies, instead I am shown or told messages from my guide or specific and willing entities. Like most mediums, I have a spirit guide, whom for me is called Ada. Guides come to us in many different ways (and forms) and mediums converse with them differently at different times. Some mediums never have any obvious interaction with their guides at all, but just have a sense of something is there. Ada communicates with me in levels which are as follows:

Level 1 - Feelings / hunches
Level 2 - Audible thoughts
Level 3 - Audible conversation
Level 4 - Visual
Level 5 - One on one conversation / trance state

When I do a reading for something, Ada or other entities, communicate with me within levels 1 and 2. I prefer this, as it is difficult to have a conversation with spirit while talking to a client at the same time. For my own personal communication, myself and Ada converse within levels 3 and 4, during relaxation or meditation (which I rarely do these days!)

I, at Ada's approval, decided to read to earn a living. My friends encouraged me to do so, after receiving a reading from me. I began working on the phone as a agent for the Psychic Circle, doing several hours of reading a week. I then left there and embarked on a career in music as a graphics designer. I would later return to the phones as an agent once again, for Freeview's dedicated TV channel Psychic Today, which I believe now runs on Sky TV only. After a stint there, I left again and decided that I would only read free of charge for family and friends, or to those who desperately needed help from the spirit world. Working on the phone lines was far too repetitive for me. The same question came several times an hour, "Does he/she love me? Are they cheating on me?" These people had already answered the question themselves and were in denial.

Though my readings are usually interpretations or relays of my mental messages, I naturally became interested in Tarot cards, purely because I loved the imagery and symbolism. As a reading tool, I personally think they are best saved for self help and guidance. When it comes to reading for others, the mind is the ultimate doorway. Whether I use tarot cards for readings or not, I have still devoted twenty years to learning about them, and I am still learning to this day. The tarot has infinite interpretations and hidden meanings, that no one can truly be a master of it. It seems that no psychic or medium is complete, without a deck of Tarot cards and I am no exception (with over 50 decks actually, as I became a collector of Tarot and standard playing cards! I truly do love the artwork, hence my collection)

So, here I am now, blogging about it all, which I think is a great way for me to share my own experiences. As mediums we are always encouraged to write things down, which I never do, because I simply can't be bothered. But hopefully now, I will have more motivation!  I am aware that the subject is increasing in popularity and I sincerely hope anyone dropping by enjoy my stories.

What to expect from my blog in the future
  • Stories of my experiences
  • Messages and "predictions" of world events
  • Manuscripts of readings I have done which I deem interesting (provided the client approves)
  • "Teachings" of my own techniques for contacting the spirit world, which you could try for yourself 
  • My own interpretations of  the Tarot
Basically, I am going to be talking a lot about all aspects of the supernatural and divination. There are many different areas to cover from runes, crystals, talking spirit boards (Ouija boards), seances, to dreams, spells, magic and astral projection. And I am lucky enough to have been given the opportunity to experiment with all of these things and read some fanatic books based upon them. Most kids want to blow their pocket money on sweets, but I saved mine to visit the book shop in town. The only books I can read is cookery and anything to do with new age and supernatural.

This blog is far from an ego trip for me. I can not take soul credit for everything I am going to write about, as I have learned from many great books by fantastic writers and experts, whom I shall acknowledge in due course. I have, over the years adapted things to my own liking, which is what being a practitioner of any art is all about. For years Ada has wanted me to write a book about spirit guides, and I personally think she's nuts! I do not have the time, nor patience for it, and I really don't think anyone would be interested in a book seemingly all about my guide! But this way, with a blog, I can share my stories and hopefully meet and talk to fellow mediums!