Monday, 27 July 2015

Reading For Yourself

A girl emailed me today, which prompted me to write this. To you, If you are reading this, then I hope you don't mind me mentioning your question :)

She said she knew she had psychic ability but didn't want to read for herself because of the "rule" that says you shouldn't. This of course is a total myth and rather angers me that some books and text are discouraging people from using their gifts.

Look at it this way. When you are born, we are told that we are given six senses, the sixth being the gift of psychic sense. Your gift of sight, for example, is yours and yours alone, and you don't use it to aid anyone other than yourself, unless someone you know has lost their eye sight, and you help them. This is the same for psychic sense. Too many loose their gifts during childhood, and it is then people like myself whom help out those people by doing readings, just like an interpreter would with sign language for someone who is deaf, but had that person not lost their hearing, it would be theirs to use as they wish and theirs alone to enjoy.

One reason why we CAN'T read for ourselves, is that our own deepest desires can form a barrier and cloud our judgement.  If we ask the tarot, "Will she fall in love me?" Or "Will I get the job?", We really want the answer to be, yes. So sometimes it's hard for us to differentiate between what we desire and what the tarot is really trying to tell us, so hence why it is often easier to let someone else read for us. Employing a certain amount of discipline and proper training can fix this issue.

So please trust me, no bad luck will come to you if you read for yourself, mentally or with a tool such as the tarot. Enjoy it, it was your birth right and gift to use. I have met many psychics who have become good friends, and we all read for ourselves. If literature agree that we can use a pendulum or runes for our own needs, then surely the same should apply to the tarot.. Like most myths, the "don't read for yourself" rule is full of contradictions ;)

Pendulum, Tarot

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