Tuesday, 28 July 2015


The pendulum is like a pocket spirit guide, one that you can converse with in the physical sense. Mine is my trusted sidekick, and it has got me through some tricky situations.

We know that the power of the pendulum has been harnessed for centuries. Originally used for locating naturally flowing water and energy, it wasn't long before it became a handy divination tool. With a bit of training, your pendulum can answer most questions you pose to it. You can seek advice during a troublesome period, in the form of "yes" and "no" responses, or access it's more traditional and native abilities for locating lost items.

I have ten pendulums, each made of different minerals which have various colours and shapes. Depending on the situation, only a certain pendulum will seem right for the job, for example, when seeking guidance regarding matters linked to my heart, I find that my amethyst (birth stone) pendulum performs better. And when trying to locate an object, my green quartz tends to excel.

The pendulum can offer you one of four responses. These are usually
  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe
  • Can't Say

Although you can calibrate your pendulum to deliver different answers, such yes
  • Yes
  • No
  • Don't Know
  • Ask Me Later

Or more specifically, if asking what shirt would suit you best for the job interview
  • White
  • Black
  • Red
  • Blue

Nowadays, I don't use my pendulums as often as I should. If left untouched for a long period of time, certain re calibration is needed. What once represented a "yes" response, may well be a "no" the next the next time you ask a question. So it is important, if you haven't used a pendulum for a while, to check what it's preference is, for showing you a "yes", "no", "maybe" and "can't say" answer.

In some up and coming blogs, I will share some stories where the pendulum is at the center, and see what it has to say on world events. In 2014, my pendulum successfully predicted that the Conservative Party would be reelected in 2015's general election, something a lot of people were quite sure wouldn't happen.

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